mai, 2022
10mai(mai 10)09:0011(mai 11)15:30FremhevetNordic Edge ExpoType:Konferanser
The 8th leading Nordic event for future cities and communities will be a physical event in the city centre of Stavanger.
The 8th leading Nordic event for future cities and communities will be a physical event in the city centre of Stavanger.
How can we go from Awareness to Action – and work together for greener, more sustainable cities and societies?
Co-organisers from the heart of European legislation, Brussels, across the Nordics and beyond will share insight and discuss topics about city- and business development to achieve UN targets for climate-neutral cities within 2030.
What to expect:
- 50/50 private-public sector
- Inspiring talks and discussions
- City centre as a living lab & exhibition area- on water and around the city
- Networking arenas and social events
- International workshops and side-conferences
- Excellent food and music
Meld deg på i dag!
10 (Tirsdag) 09:00 - 11 (Onsdag) 15:30
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